Study group



HTWD mobil v2.2.1 © 2024 HTW Dresden


Information in accordance with § 5 TMG, § 55 RStV

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden 
Friedrich-List-Platz 1
D-01069 Dresden
Postal address: PF 120701, D-01008 Dresden
Tel.: +49 (0)351 462 0
Email: info(at)
VAT ID No.: DE 188 729 062

Represented by
Rector Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Salchert
Friedrich-List-Platz 1, D-01069 Dresden

HTW Dresden is a legal entity under public law with the right to self-governance as dictated by statutory legislation.

Supervisory authority
Saxony State Ministry for Science and Art
Wigardstraße 17
01097 Dresden


The contents of the HTW Dresden web application (HTWD mobil) have been created with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no liability can be assumed for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness. In particular, HTW Dresden accepts no liability whatsoever for damages arising from the use of the content provided.

The HTW Dresden web application (HTWD mobil) contains links to third-party websites (external links). As HTW Dresden has no influence on their content, HTW Dresden cannot accept any responsibility for the content of the linked websites. The provider of the linked website is solely liable for the content and damages resulting from the use of the content of the linked websites.


The contents and works published in the HTW Dresden web application (HTWD mobil) are subject to the regulations of copyright law. The copying, editing, distribution, reproduction of contents in databases or other electronic media and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright law require express consent.

Privacy policy

With the following data protection information, we, the Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW for short, the responsible party in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation, DSGVO), explain which personal data we collect about you when you visit the HTW Dresden web application (HTWD mobil) at and how we use data about you. Personal data is any data that can be used to identify you personally.

As a matter of principle, we collect and use personal data of visitors to our web application only to the extent necessary to provide a functional web application and our content and services and in accordance with the following explanations. The personal data will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of the storage no longer applies. In addition, data may be stored insofar as this is provided for by European or national legislation.

Data storage and security measures

The servers on which our web application is hosted are located in the HTW-Dresden data centre.

We use SSL encryption so that the data you enter at is transmitted to us in encrypted form. However, we would like to point out that data transmission on the internet (e.g. when communicating by email) can have security gaps. Complete protection of data against access by third parties is not possible.

Logging, log files

When accessing the web application (HTWD mobil), user data such as IP address, internet browser used (incl. version), operating system and date and time of use are automatically logged for technical reasons and stored in the log files of our system. The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to enable delivery of the web application (HTWD mobile) to your end device (PC, smartphone, etc.). For this purpose, the IP address must remain stored for the duration of the session. The storage in log files takes place in order to ensure the functionality of the web application (HTWD mobil) and the security of our information technology systems. The legal basis for storing the data is Art. 6 para. 1 f DSGVO (legitimate interests). A combination with other data of the user does not take place. The data in the log files are automatically deleted after 14 days.


The web application (HTWD mobile) uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored in the internet browser or by the internet browser on the users' computer systems when the page is called up. These cookies enable the browser to be uniquely identified when the web application (HTWD mobil) is called up again. Cookies do not retrieve any information stored on your hard drive and do not affect your PC or files. Cookies do not contain viruses, Trojans or other nefarious applications.

You have full control over the use of cookies at all times. Most browsers are set to accept cookies automatically. However, you can deactivate/restrict the storage of cookies or set your browser to notify you when cookies are sent. Cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time - also automatically. As a result, however - for technical reasons - it may no longer be possible to use all the functions of the web application (HTWD mobil) to their full extent.

Your rights and the data protection officer

In all data protection matters and in particular to exercise your rights in accordance with Art. 15 et seq. of the Data Protection Regulation (information about the data processed about you, its origin, recipients and the purpose of the processing and, if applicable, a right to rectification, restriction of processing or deletion and revocation or objection), you can contact our data protection officer.

Your concerns will be treated confidentially. In addition, if you do not agree with data processing by us, you can contact a supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 DSGVO at any time. The Saxon Data Protection Officer ( is responsible for the HTW.

Data Protection Officer of HTW Dresden
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Westfeld
Room: Z 337
Phone.: +49 351 462 3372
E-mail: datenschutz(at)

Users are requested to inform themselves regularly about the content of our data protection declaration. We adapt the data protection declaration as soon as the changes in the data processing carried out by us or amended legal provisions make this necessary. We will inform you as soon as the changes require an act of cooperation on your part (e.g. consent) or other individual notification.